Short Story

Hello, my name is Krithik Anil. I am 12 years old and I am going into 7th grade. 

I am making a machine that automatically waters plants. I wanted to make this product because sometimes I forget to water my plants.

I believe this product will be useful for people who are too busy to water their plants.

I am very excited to be part of this show-and-tell competition.



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Project Name: Automatic Watering Machine by Krithik Anil
Team Member: Krithik Anil
Program: Show & Tell
Category: | |
More Information:
Hello, my name is Krithik Anil. I am 12 years old and I am going into 7th grade.  I am making a machine that automatically waters plants. I wanted to make this product because sometimes I forget to water my plants. I believe this product will be useful for people who are too busy to water their plants. I am very excited to be part of this show-and-tell competition.    



Problem Associated with the Idea:

Sometimes I forget to water my plants. I also can not water my plants whenever I go on a vacation.


How I came up with this Idea:

I came up with this idea after forgetting to water my plants for a few days.


How am I going to get started:

To get started on this idea, I will make and test a few prototypes to find out a good design.


Who do I think are my exact customers:

My exact customers will be people who frequently forget to water their plants, or frequently go on vacations.


Where will I launch this product:

I will launch this product in a place where the local plants frequently need water.


Why do I want to work on this idea:

I want to work on this idea because sometimes people forget to water their plants or are too busy to. I want to make this product so it can water plants while people are busy or forget to.

What technologies am I using:

Some technologies I would be using for this product will include a soil moisture sensor, and some motors.


What price do I want to sell my product at:

I want to price my product at around 40 to 80 dollars. The price might be higher depending on the cost of the materials.


What is the Unique Selling Proposition of this idea:

I will make this product run on solar panels and it will have a large water container.


To water plants while people are too busy, on a vacation or forgot to water them.


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