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Project Name: CheckMatch Services – Transforming Matrimony with Informed Decision Making
Team Member: Shivi- Founder
Program: EDPI IIT Patna Cohort 2.0
More Information:


Problem Statement

The concealment of Physical and Mental Health information during Matrimony Leads to matrimonial disputes and domestic violence cases, total cases pending in all Family Courts, including divorce cases, in India in total as per 2017 data submitted in Lok Sabha was 7,13,511 out of which 46735 were pending in Bihar.

Average time taken to resolve is between 10-12 years.

The Next Generation is the one that suffers immensely



Solution Pre-Matrimonial

Legal Status                                 

Matrimonial counselling       


Physical Health Status


Prenuptial Agreement


Mental Health Status


Genetic counseling





  1. Save the Working Population’s Time and Effort
  2. Curb the spread of Genetic Diseases in Next Generation
  3. Obstruct the spread of Infectious Diseases
  4. Help Youth be informed and aware to make Family Planning Decisions.
  5. Provide awareness about Physical and Mental Health through seminars both offline and online.



Business Model


Revenue Model



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