Short Story
Of all travel stories, we must have often seen or heard stories of failed trips or postponements. Let’s not let any excuses or consequences shatter our vacations.
To come out from the busy-stressed life, the best and high rated solution is a vacation. When planned with a partner or a group these vacations do not seem to succeed as the individuals do not get to meet the timings of the other.
Introducing Travel Mate, a friend for you to assist, to find a perfect travel companion, to help figure out friendly planning and to gift you a happy vacation.
Flutter your wings with Travel Mate to explore the world!

Why Travel Mate?
Travelling interests everyone but sometimes planning dwindles it. One has to invest so much time for planning and eventually either plans get cancelled or travel mates drop off. Often Travels do not happen due to postponement or for not having enjoyable company while travelling or adventuring.
How can Travel Mate Help?
Solution can be that thing which interests people to travel also interests people to plan. A solution where people can connect and choose their Travel buddy. Travel Mate, an application provides feasibility in planning, making their own new travel group, and in efficient budget splitting.
How to use Travel Mate:
Travel Mate is going to be an easy to use application with a user-friendly interface.
Step-1: Install Travel Mate in your android device from Google play store
Step-2: Register in App using Email-id, mobile number and create a password for your account
Step-3: Fill necessary details like, Name, Place, Age, Interests, Past experience
You’re ready to fully use the Application now…!
Use search, to find places and know about places to choose destinations from existing user experiences.
If you’re looking for buddies to travel use Connect feature
Within Connect feature:
- You can initiate a travel post to your destination and fascinate users for connection request
- You can directly send connection request to the initiator and join their group based on your interest
- Connect with people and interact to plan on later basis
If you already have a group or if you want to plan with new connections use Plan feature
Within Plan feature:
- Within this feature, you have a group to converse with co-travel mates, Initiator will add plans in the group description and co’s can discuss and agree on it.
- Fill in details that are already asked in the app like, Destination place, departure date & time, Mode of Transport, Start Place, Day-to-Day schedule. This will provide interest and feasibility in planning and you’ll be trip ready once you complete this.
- Once the trip starts, within this feature you can daily update expenses in the app within the budget-split feature. After the end date this feature automatically equally shares the expenses within the community
After successfully completing the trip using Travel Mate, share experiences using share feature:
Within shared feature:
- Share your memories, pictures, travel experience with Travel Mate users using #hashtags and earn exciting rewards
What is so special about Travel Mate?
Customizability: you can customize who can see your travel requests (friends of friends, ranged age group,everyone etc), customize whom you can share your travel stories with.
Precision: Travel mate provides precision in planning within the community so that you know about the place you are going, you know your daily plan, and all that is needed without missing any bit of clarity. And importantly it cuts equal shares in expenses precisely of the whole travel journey after the vacation ends and notifies each member of the group their share in the trip
Ease in use: interface is so easy to understand and interactive that anyone can use it to fullest.
Trust: you can connect with unknowns and interact with them beforehand, so that you can know the person enough to make further plans with the known-unknown
User history: every user has details of their past experiences in their profile and their place of living. This helps you connect with locals, school buddies, college mates, Alumni, ex-colleagues with whom you have things to share in common.
Product Timeline:
How does Travel Mate reach an audience?
The best media of marketing about a Travel App is of course Social Media, where people are more involved.
Sharing on social media platforms & word of mouth within friends, friends of friends and so on will help Travel Mate fascinate more users.
Using funding to post ‘travel offers’ in our app to attract more users
Why should anyone support us?
Travelling is a therapy, stress buster, where one can enjoy having “me time” or adventure time. And it would be more joyful if we could make it with the right people at the right time.
According to a survey 84% of people in India daydream about travel once a week. And about 45% of Indian people are interested in traveling in groups and about half percent of them are interested in traveling with strangers. And it states that demand for travelling with strangers has increased during the last 5 years and it is promising that the curve will rise by 10%-15% in the next 5 years.
According to India Tourism Statistics 2019 by Incredible India, India has over 2.3 billion domestic tourist visits of which 43.2% are of the age group 15-35 who are visiting for holidays, leisures or recreation.
Wherein, our App targets young travel enthusiasts of similar age group in providing feasibility(an App Mate) to travel, try and increase more successful travels
Travel mate helps them to connect with like minded travel partners and helps them to have memorable trips. Also provides feasibility to plan and share the budgets.
In many recent surveys it has been proven that most people feel relaxed after travelling to some places and here we are to assist people for their travels and not just for finding travel partners and destinations, we do help our customers in minimizing and releasing their stress and tensions.
And we, the team travel mate, are continuously developing ourselves and are trying to compete in the market with utmost honesty and sincerity, determined towards developing an Application that helps people plan better holidays and have quality time with themselves.
Prameela –
Good one
Chuda Mani –
Keep it up
Deekshitha –
Pawan –
K.naga Sirisha –