Short Story

Problem Statement

The sweepers face many problems due to our negligence like

  • Dangerous/ sharp objects piercing their hands.
  • Chemicals in contact to their hands.
  • Them carrying the germs to their houses.
  • Sweating in summers causing skin problems.
  • Outdated cheap gloves made of simple rubber unable to protect there hands and there by damaging there skin



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Project Name: Freundliche Kleidung
Team Member:
More Information:
Problem Statement The sweepers face many problems due to our negligence like
  • Dangerous/ sharp objects piercing their hands.
  • Chemicals in contact to their hands.
  • Them carrying the germs to their houses.
  • Sweating in summers causing skin problems.
  • Outdated cheap gloves made of simple rubber unable to protect there hands and there by damaging there skin


Empathetic View :

  • Understanding the challenges faced by garbage pickers, such as the lack of proper protective gear, fuels our empathy for their situation.
  • Empathy drives us to develop solutions that directly address the needs and challenges of garbage pickers, leading to innovative products like specialized gloves.
  • Invention is creating something new, while innovation involves successfully implementing and adopting inventions to solve real-world problems. In our case, inventing gloves for garbage pickers is just the first step; innovation entails ensuring their accessibility and effectiveness in addressing the target audience’s needs.


A partnership with the GHMC offices could help

There are gloves for every field except the garbage collectors or the sweepers.

If we start a campaign on the dangers regarding naked hand picking of garbage to the garbage collectors and show that our product could help them. Then the customers could understand the importance of the product.

Prototyping & Testing

Prototyping allows us to refine the glove design to better meet the unique needs of garbage pickers, ensuring effectiveness and user satisfaction. It also helps mitigate risks by identifying and addressing potential issues early in the development process.

Sketch out glove designs based on garbage pickers’ needs, then create physical prototypes using suitable materials. Test for durability, comfort, and functionality, gathering feedback for refinement.

Conduct market research specifically targeting potential users of the gloves, assessing demand and preferences. Evaluate feasibility, including production costs and pricing strategies.




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