Short Story

Hi! My name is Adith and I am 12 years old. I am going to 7th grade. My favorite subject is math. I like to play video games a lot and watch TV. I like to play lots and lots of video games. Mostly I play Roblox. I like math because it is challenging.

One hobby is to solve a Rubik’s cube. I know how to solve a 3×3,4×4,7×7,2×2, Pyraminx, and the clock Rubik’s cube.

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Project Name: Turret Tower Defense by Adith Hegde
Team Member: Adith Hegde
Program: Show & Tell
More Information:
Hi! My name is Adith and I am 12 years old. I am going to 7th grade. My favorite subject is math. I like to play video games a lot and watch TV. I like to play lots and lots of video games. Mostly I play Roblox. I like math because it is challenging. One hobby is to solve a Rubik's cube. I know how to solve a 3x3,4x4,7x7,2x2, Pyraminx, and the clock Rubik's cube.


The problem my product is solving?

My product is solving the problem of people getting bored and not having anything to do. It will also help with people’s strategy with the units that they have. 


How did I came up with this idea?

I came up with this idea when I saw that on the windows store, there are not many different types of tower defense games like this one.

How am I going to get started?

 I will start by asking my parents and friends what kind of tower defense game they would like to see. Then I would research online how to make that kind of tower defense game.


How my idea can be a perfect solution to the problem? How?

 I do believe this product won’t be the perfect solution because some people may not like tower defense games and some people might get bored later on in the game. 


Who do you think are your exact customers?

The people that are going to buy my product are people that are 5 years and above. Also, my customers would have to have a windows computer.


Which location do you choose for launching your product and why?

I would like to launch my product in Later I would like to launch it in the webstore. I want to do this because I would like to get feedback on and make sure the game is good enough to launch on the website.


Why do you want to work on this particular problem?

I wanted to work on this particular problem because I get bored easily and many people also get bored easily. I also always wanted to help someone not feel bored. 


What technologies are you using?

I am using YouTube and unity. I am also using Microsoft visual studios.


What price would you like to sell your product at?

 I would like my product to be free. I want my product to be free because then more people would play it. 


What is the Unique Selling proposition of your product?

My game is different because I would like to make the towers have ammo. This would make the game harder to play but it would make it more like real life.



The objective of the Idea that I am working on is to at least help some people to not be bored. Another objective is to help people strategize with ammo.


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