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    Latest College Admission Trends and Statistics




    If you’re a high school student or a parent of one, then you’re aware of the importance of college admissions. College admissions are always a topic of interest, as every year brings new trends and statistics. 

    But with the pandemic causing unprecedented changes to the education system, it’s no surprise that college admissions have also been affected. 

    That’s why we’ve put together this blog post to keep you up-to-date on the latest college admission trends and statistics. 

    Moonpreneur will examine the statistics and patterns influencing the college admissions process in greater detail in this blog, offering insights and helpful knowledge to students and their families.

    1. Increased competition

    As the number of high school graduates rises, competition for admission to elite schools has become tougher. By 2025, there are expected to be 3.5 million high school graduates, a 5% increase from 2017. 

    Increased competition

    Even mid-tier institutions are witnessing increased applicants, showing that the increased rivalry is not just confined to top-tier colleges and universities. 

    As a result, there is increased pressure on students to achieve better grades, test results, and an extensive extracurricular resume to stick out during the admissions process. 

    Students must remember that an excellent academic record is insufficient, as colleges prefer well-rounded candidates with various experiences and skills beyond academics.

    2. Test-optional policies

    Many colleges and universities have adopted test-optional policies post-COVID-19. Under this policy, students can apply for admission without submitting standardized test results such as SAT or ACT exam results. 

    Test-optional regulations are designed to reduce some of the anxiety and worry that students may experience during the application process. These regulations also boost diversity and draw a broader range of applicants to the college. 

    It is crucial to remember that some colleges still require standardized test results or give more weight to other application components if test scores still need to be submitted.  

    3. Focus on holistic admissions

    In recent years, the college admissions process has moved from a primarily academic review to a more all-encompassing method. Colleges are now evaluating students based on a variety of factors, including extracurricular activities, community service, leadership experience, and personal traits, in addition to grades and test results. 

    Admission officials are increasingly looking beyond test scores and grades to get a fuller picture of a student’s potential and accomplishments. 

    This holistic approach to college admissions emphasizes essays and interviews, which provide insight into a student’s personality, character, and objectives. By considering a student’s overall profile, colleges hope to attract a diverse pool of well-rounded applicants who can contribute to the campus community in various ways. 

    This shift in approach reflects a growing recognition that students are more than just their academic achievements and that a multifaceted evaluation process can yield a more diverse and dynamic student body.

    4. Increase in early decision applications

    In recent years, there has been a significant uptick in the number of students applying for early decision (ED) admission. Early decision is a legally binding application process in which students submit an application to their first-choice college early in the admissions cycle, typically in November, and agree to enroll if accepted. 

    Students who want to improve their chances of being accepted into colleges with intense competition use this method more frequently. 

    The percentage of colleges reporting a rise in early decision 

    applications increased from 25% in 2015 to 38% in 2020, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling. 

    National Association for College Admission Counseling

    Since colleges want to fill a sizable percentage of their openings, ED applicants typically have higher acceptance rates than regular choice applicants. However, the higher acceptance rate for early decision applicants may not necessarily be an advantage for all students. 

    5. The growing importance of demonstrated interest

    A student’s effort to interact with a college outside of the application process, such as attending information sessions, taking part in virtual tours, meeting with college representatives, or submitting an early choice application, is referred to as demonstrating their interest. Colleges want to admit students who are likely to enroll if accepted because it can affect their yield rate and total rankings in a highly competitive admissions environment. 

    In a study by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, 36% of schools said admission decisions were heavily influenced by applicants’ demonstrated interests. Students should demonstrate their interest in a college throughout the application process, as it can increase their chances of admission and potential scholarship offers. 

    6. Increase in international applicants

    The number of foreign students applying to American schools and universities has significantly increased. According to Statista, 948,519 international students were studying in the United States in the 2021/22 academic year. 

    Number of international students in the United States from 2003/04 to 2021/22

    Number of international students

    The increasing number of students pursuing higher education is expected to continue in the years ahead, particularly as more individuals worldwide seek to enroll in colleges and universities.

    International students contribute to a diverse and welcoming campus community by bringing a range of views and experiences to American colleges and universities. As they must navigate the visa regulations, language barriers, and cultural differences, the application process for foreign students can be more complicated. 

    In conclusion, the application procedure for colleges is constantly changing due to new trends and regulations that are implemented annually. Students should study specific college policies, keep up with current trends and statistics, and consult their high school counselors and college advisors for advice as they navigate the admissions process. 

    Moonpreneur offers STEM programs in robotics, game development, app development, and other futuristic sciences to help students build top-notch profiles and pursue their passion projects. Start your journey to success today!

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    Moonpreneur is an ed-tech company that imparts tech entrepreneurship to children aged 7 to 16. Its flagship offering, the Innovator Program, offers students a holistic learning experience that blends Technical Skills, Power Skills, and Entrepreneurial Skills with streams such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, and Book Writing & Publishing.
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