Short Story

This is a door lock sensor which helps to minimise theft either around a home or

In companies. The door sensor will have a certain sound, finger prints or even a secret code. This door lock sensor is supposed to be control with or without can also be used to operate electric strike or an Electromagnetic. You

Can use a key to retract the lockbolt and open the door. Also, when the key is removed the doors locked on


Nakuru County, Kenya


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07:01 (0 minutes ago)

 Crowdfunding Content – Your name

Monica Wambui

Product Title / Product Name

Door Lock sensor

Short Story about your Product

This is a door lock sensor which helps to minimize theft either around a home or

In companies. The door sensor will have a certain sound, finger prints or even a secret code. This door lock sensor is supposed to be control with or without can also be used to operate electric strike or an Electromagnetic. You

Can use a key to retract the lockbolt and open the door. Also, when the key is removed the doors locked on




 What are You Working On?

A. My working on smart door lock sensor is to minimize theft in the society and also to ensure that people

Around my village they benefited and also, I myself I have benefited from it. And also, would ensure that I myself

Also, smart door lock sensor it can alert me someone is interring in the house.

 What is Your Problem statement?

 The problems are that locking the door this day is not safe and can be easily bypassed. And also

Unauthorized can access to building easily without permission of the owner and also lost of keys can force the

Owner to change locked convectional and lock are. And also, they hide warm places such as security sensor and

Control boxes from time time you may need to put your digital door lock.

 Where Did This Idea Come From?

 I fast saw my friends and relatives advertising door lock sensor on internet and that encourage me to do

So, or to start the same. They also show different ways and different steps to follow while starting my business.

I saw that was very a better and good idea which it would help me   and also, I could benefit from and also, and

Also, I can give the same idea to my relatives.

 Why do you want to take your project on a crowd-funding platform?

I need to take it so that to increase my funds. And also, through crowd _funding platform it will help me to promote

And raise through a collective effort of my supporters will help to raise my capitals and also my supporters will have

One place to quickly donate.




 How is It Solving This Problem?

It can minimize theft in the society

It can alert you when the door is open

It can also allow you to give different passcodes so that you can know who is entering in the house

You can also pair your lock with a smart doorbell camera allowing you to physically see who’s at

Your door with the click of a button.

 Who Would Benefit the Most from Your Product? the society around me and also, I myself can also benefited from me because minimizing. And also, it helps to reduce the number of thefts to those who they have benefit to me

Product and also from my ideas. And also, the society they will enjoy mostly on my product especially

When new products they are brought, they will the first people to benefit most.



 Who Are Your Competitors and How is Your Product Better?

. My competitors are people like Local business directory, Local chambers

of Comer’s. And also, to make my product better I need to niche down and be the expert of


Q. Tell Us About the Product Specifications and What is In the Box?


The product is a door lock sensor, and inside it you will find a complete door lock sensor. add this

Door lock sensor it will help me and other relatives and friends to avoid think like thefts sensing when

Someone is entering in house.



Thankyou very much for your support which you have provided to us you have been good to us a very nice teacher to us may GOD





December, 2022
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