Short Story


Organic Oasis is a food processing unit which aims to eliminate
the wastage of fruits and vegetables caused due to thier
perishablity nature ,shape size ,colour ,climatic factor
,transportation and lack of cold storage facility, which causes
huge to loss to our farmers and our natural resources .
We believe in sustainability so using solar dehydration technique we
fruits and vegetables into value added products like dehydrated
fruits ,vegetables, their powder and value added products like
protein bar,energy bar,milkshake ,bakery product and breakfast
Our mission- is to eliminate the wastage of fruits and
vegetables and empower farmers and contribute to nature


Problem Statement

According to a report over 18 % to 30% of fruits and vegetables are wasted in india which is valued
at 13500cr anually ( 1 jan 2023
Bihar state faces 20% of fruits and vegetables wastage due to improper handling and post harvest
management and this effects our economy as farmers are poor,kids are undernourished and some
people sleep hungry.
Our farmers faces huge loss after every harvest due to perishability nature,shape,size,colour, over
rippening,transportation,and lack of cold storage facilities.
India is 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetable and only 1 or 2 % of fruits and vegetables are



We procure fruits and vegetables directly from Farmers,Mandis,FPOs and empower
Using Solar Dehydration technique we increase the shelf-life and convert them into
value added products.
VEGETABLES – Okra(Bhindi),Moringa,Moringa powder,Green Chilly powder,Tomato
FRUITS – Dehydrated fruits like Mango,Litchi,Jackfruit,Grapes (raisin) and thier
powder form.
Healthy food and snack options for health consious consumers like Instant fruit &
milk shakes,chips,Premixes, Protein bars,Energy bars,ready to Cook and ready to eat
Peels of fruits and vegetables are converted into organic fertilizers.

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Project Name: Organic Oasis
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More Information:
Introduction Organic Oasis is a food processing unit which aims to eliminate the wastage of fruits and vegetables caused due to thier perishablity nature ,shape size ,colour ,climatic factor ,transportation and lack of cold storage facility, which causes huge to loss to our farmers and our natural resources . We believe in sustainability so using solar dehydration technique we fruits and vegetables into value added products like dehydrated fruits ,vegetables, their powder and value added products like protein bar,energy bar,milkshake ,bakery product and breakfast musili. Our mission- is to eliminate the wastage of fruits and vegetables and empower farmers and contribute to nature also.   Problem Statement According to a report over 18 % to 30% of fruits and vegetables are wasted in india which is valued at 13500cr anually ( 1 jan 2023 Bihar state faces 20% of fruits and vegetables wastage due to improper handling and post harvest management and this effects our economy as farmers are poor,kids are undernourished and some people sleep hungry. Our farmers faces huge loss after every harvest due to perishability nature,shape,size,colour, over rippening,transportation,and lack of cold storage facilities. India is 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetable and only 1 or 2 % of fruits and vegetables are processed   Solution We procure fruits and vegetables directly from Farmers,Mandis,FPOs and empower them. Using Solar Dehydration technique we increase the shelf-life and convert them into value added products. VEGETABLES - Okra(Bhindi),Moringa,Moringa powder,Green Chilly powder,Tomato powder,etc. FRUITS - Dehydrated fruits like Mango,Litchi,Jackfruit,Grapes (raisin) and thier powder form. Healthy food and snack options for health consious consumers like Instant fruit & milk shakes,chips,Premixes, Protein bars,Energy bars,ready to Cook and ready to eat products. Peels of fruits and vegetables are converted into organic fertilizers.


Market Size

Dehydrated Fruits & Vegetables Global Market Size was
valued at INR 2500 cr in 2023. The dehydrated fruits &
vegetables market industry is projected to grow from INR
2700 cr in 2024 to INR 3800 cr by 2032, annual growth
rate (CAGR) of 4.56% during the forecast period (2024 –
Global Dehydrated food market
1.Sastik foods pvt ltd – DELHI
2.Hamps bio limited _BHARUCH
3.Shashila Healthy Master Private Limited

Value propostion

Empowering Farmers by providing them with a reliable market for their produce and reducing
wastage of our natural resources
In the indian scnerio there has been seen a behavioural shift in the consumers,who used to eat junk
foods are now can been looking for healthy food and snacks options after covid 19 pandemic.
Solar Dehydration eco friendly approach of processing which retains all nutrition,flavour and colour
this make us unique.
Our product is 100% natural, Organic and Chemical free.
Dehydrated products have better shelflife 1-2 yrs and ready to cook products saves alot of time.
A great product with eco-friendly packaging and continuous innovations in products range at
affordable price will make us stand out in market.


Current Status and Accomplishments

With an initial investment of Rs 30,000-/ I had purchased this electric
dehydrator and a Mixi grinder to develop the prototypes .



We have developed some of the products like Banana Powder,Moringa Powder, Aamla powder,Neem powder and etc


Employment Opportunities

Direct Employment : Hiring employees for roles such as working staffs ,store manager, customer support, sales, and operations.
Indirect Employment :Famers are indirectly employed as they supply us raw materials.
Supporting Rural & Local Economies : Stimulating job creation by promoting local businesses and services.



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