Short Story

Hi, my name is Aditya and I am 11 years old. I am working on a product that is an automatic robot that can do anything. I am very excited that Moonprenur gave me, this opportunity to develop this product and share the idea on their platform.

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By  Aditya

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Project Name: My Automatic Robot – By Aditya
Team Member: Aditya
Program: Show & Tell
More Information:
Hi, my name is Aditya and I am 11 years old. I am working on a product that is an automatic robot that can do anything. I am very excited that Moonprenur gave me, this opportunity to develop this product and share the idea on their platform.


What problem will it solve?

My product will solve the problem of people who don’t have anybody around and people who have nobody to cook with. The robot will be a big product if my first customers tell people about the robot.

Why did I think of this idea?

The reason I thought of this idea was because I want to help restaurants with only one chef who has nobody to help them and when people are bored they can talk to them and ask about how the robot works and the robot can tell them.


How will I get started on my idea?

The way I will start is I will learn to cook and I will put all the buttons that are on a stove in the top of the robot and then when someone puts a pan with all the ingredients and presses a button then the food will cook the second you close the robot head. And the way it talks.


How can my idea be the perfect idea?

My idea can help lots of people who are lonely and restaurants . The people who use the robot and like it can even tell some friends and the product will be a hit.

What will my exact customers be?

My first customers will be my parents and my sister like my family and then people can eventually find out about the product and the product will be some big hit.


What location should I use to launch my product?

The location I would choose is somewhere in the city. The first product would be made in a big building in the city and then we create duplicates so we can launch even more and then I can really be popular.


Why do I want to work on this particular problem?

The reason I want to work on this particular problem is because, lots of people struggle with things like cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, and all the basic household chores.


What technologies am I using?

What I am using is what is already on some robots like an LCD screen and resistors so if something goes wrong and the power could make the robot break down the resistor can resist the power that is trying to make the robot break down and many more tools.


What price would I sell my product at?

The product I am making is going to be very advanced and it is a robot that will do all your basic household chores, Can make you feel better if you are feeling down and can even be changed to voice command so if the buttons don’t work then you can change the code by looking at the manual that comes with the package so the product will be selling for 100k and there will be more features or extra features, so extra features will be more than the original price and lower features will be less than the original price. There are some more products that will be mentioned.


What is the unique selling proposition of my product?

The unique selling proposition of my product is that it is more advanced technology and the features are what made the price of my robot. This product has very high quality such as it can be voice command and do your basic household chores. You can get a very quick delivery and it will be near you because the company will be everywhere. The location will be in some city with famous companies so my product will be seen.



The objective is to make people feel inspired to launch their own thing so they can experience what it feels like to be nice and successful if they really want to succeed.

So if you like my Idea then please support my campaign and share your likes, Comments & Star ratings on my campaign. Thank you.



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