Short Story


“Offer Fashion and Quality at the Best Price in a Sustainable Way.”

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Project Name: Custom Tee- Your Ultimate Destination for Personalized T-Shirts
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Vision "Offer Fashion and Quality at the Best Price in a Sustainable Way."


Problem Statement

How do you tackle the 5 W’s:

Who? Where? What? Why? When?

  1. WHO: individuals who are seeking for custom t-shirts 
  2. WHAT: images, logos, quotes, slogans, or patterns that reflect specific interests, passions, or identities.
  3. WHERE: events, conventions, gatherings, workplaces, schools, or as part of promotional campaigns.
  4. WHEN: special occasions, events, holidays, or as part of ongoing promotional efforts.
  5. WHY: personal expression, group identity, promotional purposes, fundraising, commemorating events, or as part of a marketing strategy.

Empathy- Invention & Innovation

  • Research and Listen                                       Seek to Understand

Put Yourself in Their Shoes                           Avoid Assumptions , Stereotypes 

Identify Their Emotions                                  Communicate Empathetically

Acknowledge Their Pain Points                    Continuously Learn and Adapt


  • Identifying Unmet Needs                                   Anticipating Future Trends and Behaviors                                

Human-Centered Design                                    Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion                                                         Driving Customer-Centric Innovation


  •  By empathizing with potential customers, inventors can understand their need for personalized clothing that reflects their personality, interests, or affiliations.


   – Empathy drives innovation by ensuring that the customization process is user-centered and intuitive. Innovators empathize with customers to understand their preferences, style, and motivations for customizing t-shirts.

Prototyping & Testing

Market research

validate the problem

prototype or MVP

test with early adopters

iterate and refine 

pilot launch

measure key metrics


-Validating the concept

-Gathering feedbacks

-Reducing risk

-Iterative development -Attracting investment

-Setting realistic expectations


-Design Concept

-Digital mockup

-Select material

-Print the design 

-Evaluate & adjust 

-Test wearability

-Refine and finalize




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