Robotics Quick Quest - Fastest Finger First

(Open To All)

Prizes Worth $8,000

The competition has three age groups

Anyone can participate in this quick quiz-style challenge. The competitions will feature multiple-choice questions on Robotics, covering topics such as Components, Sensors, Coding Concepts, Circuit Designing, Algorithms, and Logic. Additionally, there will be questions on App Development, Game Development, Power Skills, Entrepreneurship Skills, Financial Literacy, Digital Marketing, and Maths Logic.

Competition Structure

Exciting News

Competition Rules


To join the competition, follow these steps.

Step 1: Register for the competition

Step 2: Download the app

You will receive the app information via email

Step 3: Fastest finger round - participate via app

Step 4: Visit the event venue for the finale.

Buzzer Round Format

Register for the competition

    Register for FREE and get $416 worth complimentary items