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    Experiential Learning: Why Is It Important for Students?


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    While theoretical knowledge is undoubtedly valuable, it is the experience that distinguishes us in the eyes of recruiters in the future. 

    According to The Association Of American Colleges And Universities, 93% of employers favor a candidate’s ability to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems over their college degree. Therefore, it is important that individuals from a young age must be educated about skills and innovations as the professional world changes at a sky-rocketed pace.

    One of the most successful approaches in this direction is experiential learning. This blog will discuss why experiential learning is important and how it might benefit students.

    What is Experiential Learning?

    Experiential Learning is the process of learning through activities. Participation in hands-on activities, followed by evaluation, allows students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world circumstances. It is often regarded as the most effective type of learning since it includes doing something rather than only hearing or reading about it. 

    This includes various options, including service-learning, volunteer programs, research, and study abroad. In addition to providing significant insight into various topics, Experiential Learning allows students to learn more quicker, retain more knowledge for longer periods of time, and develop essential skills for future accomplishments.

    In some schools, teachers have begun introducing more active learning models into their courses, which, although important, nevertheless offers students a passive part in the learning process. For example, experiential learning enables students to participate actively in their own academics and allows them to reflect on their experiences, linking them to major academic concepts and aspirations.

    Why is Experiential Learning Important for Students?

    The importance of experiential learning cannot be emphasized enough. It not only provides students with real-world experience in their field of study, but it also improves their communication and cooperation skills and encourages creativity. 

    Here are some pointers on why experiential learning is important.

    1. Helps in Understanding Complicated Concepts Easily.

    Experiential Learning has several advantages, including assisting students in better-understanding notions. Students are more likely to understand and recall what they learn if they actively engage in the subject than simply read it. 

    Also, this form of learning can be more enjoyable for them than traditional teaching methods, which can help them stay focused and involved in their studies. Students will gain significantly from engaging with the subject in such a way that it becomes real to them.

    2. They Learn to Cooperate

    Another reason why experiential learning is crucial is that it encourages student collaboration. Working in groups enables students to connect together to complete the task at hand, which teaches them the importance of getting help from one another and refining collaboration abilities and negotiating tactics. It can also assist students in grasping different viewpoints in order to find common ground.

    3. Enhance Creativity Level

    Experiential education enhances a flexible mindset and the cultivation of creativity. In experiential learning, students are taught to address issues creatively while discovering several solutions. This is useful in all aspects of life, including academics, the job, and personal relationships. Experiential Learning emphasizes learning through experience by giving students hands-on projects that allow them to come up with their own unique approaches.

    4. Give A Better Opportunity For Reflection

    Reflecting on experiences, whether positive or negative, encourages us to learn from them. Experiential Learning allows students to do so by linking concrete events to abstract concepts and then reflecting on the results. This activates many areas of the brain, establishing deeper ties with the content as acquired. They could gain a better grasp of how to use the newfound knowledge in different situations by evaluating these events. This form of reflection is essential for personal growth and development.

    5. Cultivate A Progressive Mindset

    In terms of learning, having a growth mindset is vital. Individuals are capable of harnessing their capabilities via hard work and consistency. Experiential Learning, therefore, provides a very effective means of cultivating this mindset. By regularly addressing new challenges, children may acquire the drive to undertake difficult activities and view failure as a chance to gain knowledge.

    6. Promotes Valuable Life Skills

    Experiential Learning is one of the most effective ways for people to keep learning. It not only motivates students to refresh their existing knowledge but also makes it easier for them to learn new skills. Engaging children in innovative and fun activities fosters a true enthusiasm for learning in them throughout their lives.

    Furthermore, experiential learning gives many valuable life skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and cooperation, which boosts children’s self-esteem and optimism. It instills in students a lifetime desire to learn that will last even after graduating high school.

    How to get started with Experiential Learning?

    Experiential Learning is all about gaining information and abilities through actual experiences. There are several paths one might take to begin this journey, such as choosing a program that offers numerous options for experiential learning, each with its own set of benefits.

     Service learning, student teaching, role-play simulations, cooperative education, and internship are just a few examples. This type of education provides not only the opportunity to learn new skills but also the opportunity to sink in and have an adventure.

    In a nutshell

    Experiential Learning offers multiple significant benefits, ranging from improving problem-solving abilities and boosting creativity to encouraging teamwork and critical thinking. In today’s fast-paced environment, the ability to think beyond the box is critical for success. Embrace experiential learning for your kids and prepare them for a better, brighter future.

    In order to help students gain these skills from a young age, Moonpreneur has brought an innovatively and holistically designed STEM-based Robotics program for 6 to 15 years to offer your child an opportunity to learn these skills in a hands-on way!

    Book a free trial class on Robotics with Moonpreneur today!

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    Moonpreneur is an ed-tech company that imparts tech entrepreneurship to children aged 7 to 16. Its flagship offering, the Innovator Program, offers students a holistic learning experience that blends Technical Skills, Power Skills, and Entrepreneurial Skills with streams such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, and Book Writing & Publishing.
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    1 year ago

    What is the role of the teacher in experiential learning?

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Richa

    In experiential learning, the teacher’s main job is to design engaging learning activities and guide the learning process, instead of just giving direct instructions.



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