Of late, robotics has been making a lot of buzz. Because of state-of-the-art technologies such as IoT, AI, and machine learning, an increasing number of sectors (88% of companies across the USA) are integrating robotics into their day-to-day business operations.
Industries such as automotive, industrial machinery, food and beverages, and education are some of the biggest sectors to embrace this digital shift.
Source: Zippia
It won’t be wrong to say that in the near future, there will be a significant demand for robotics professionals across different sectors. That’s why it is a smart move to get your kids enrolled in robotics classes.
The knowledge and expertise in robotics will give them a competitive edge and will secure their future.
If you are not yet convinced about the relevance of robotics for your 10-year-old child, here’s what you should know!
Recommended Reading: What is the Right Age to Introduce Robotics to Kids?
Benefits Your 10-Year-Old Kid Can Reap from Joining Robotics Classes!
1) It is the perfect age to learn robotics!
Around this time, your kid is grown up enough to follow instructions as well as apply their ideas while working on a project. They can leverage concepts of maths and science and experiment with different ideas.
It can be considered the ideal age for kids to get introduced to the world of robotics.
2) Robotics classes can help your children understand complicated topics.
Do your kids feel bored when it comes to mathematical theorems and scientific formulas? Then consider enrolling them in robotics for kids as it helps them to understand these topics much better.
The construction of robotics components involves different concepts related to science and math. Under the guidance of experienced robotics mentors, your kids will understand the concepts easily.
Also, they will realize that these concepts are not useless and can be used efficiently to build and operate machines.
Recommended Reading: 5 Things Kids Can Learn From a Robotics Course
3) It can be considered as the stepping stone toward programming.
It is high time parents realize that coding or programming is the new ABC for kids. If you want your children to stay ahead of the competition, make sure your 10-year-old kid is well-acquainted with robotics. With robotics, children get introduced to the fundamental components of coding.
They learn about the intricacies of programming without having to learn the complicated syntaxes.
4) Robotics add to the inquisitiveness in your children.
Do you feel that the academic curriculum is not enough for your kids and it is more like spoon-feeding? Then you should consider enrolling your kids in robotics classes.
Parents and educators agree in unison that robotics encourages curiosity among kids.
They ask multiple questions to understand the intricacies of AI, machine learning, robotics, etc.
While trying their hands on robotics projects, the kids get the chance to experiment and explore different concepts and techniques.
5) It also develops logical and rational thinking skills in your kids.
As a parent, it is your responsibility to teach your children real-life problem-solving skills. With robotics, you can begin this in a fun and engaging way. Working on different robotics projects will help develop logical and rational thinking skills among your children.
They get to learn through trial and error. They use logic to build and develop robots. And this, in turn, enhances critical thinking skills in your children.
6) Robotics can enhance creativity in your child.
Have you ever wondered how a LEGO toy makes your kid highly creative? If a simple LEGO toy can add to their creative spree, imagine what magic a robotics project will do for your child!
Children get to explore and discover a lot of technical avenues through robotics. This is perhaps one of the best subjects matters to boost creativity in your kids.
7) It helps boost your child’s confidence.
Robotics for kids can serve as a sure-fire confidence booster. First of all, they master the ability to develop and operate machines. Next, they get introduced to the world of coding. Also, their academic performance in STEM subjects improves significantly. Last but not least, robotics paves the way for a better career trajectory.
Children, when they have knowledge of robotics, believe that they are in a better position than their peers and competitors. This serves as a huge confidence booster for your kids.
7) Robotics also instills communication and teamwork skills among children.
While participating in multiple robotics projects in a group, your children get accustomed to teamwork. They learn how to work in perfect synchronization with one common goal. Also, they gain mastery over communication skills. Thus, robotics can, in a way, act as a catalyst for personality development for your kids.
Wrapping Up
It is high time that educational institutes and parents start seeing a bit further from the conventional education system for children. Apart from the traditional education setup, you should introduce your children to real-life, practical skills such as robotics, AI, stock trading, coding, etc., so they get prepared for real-world problems.
Want to make your child future-ready with Robotics? Moonpreneur offers a tailor-made program. Reserve a spot in our free 60-minute workshop today and introduce them to the amazing world of robotics and innovations!
Can my 8 year daughter learn robotics please specify if it’s a good career for her if she will be interested in becoming a robotics engineer.