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Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming A Parent
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    10 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming a Parent


    Things I Wish I Had Known Before Becoming A Parent

    Parenthood can be fulfilling because you get to watch your kids learn and grow, and you get to be there for all their big moments. Becoming a parent is a big deal indeed and there’s no such manual that comes with babies, and even if there were, each kid is different, so what works for one might not work for another. 

    It’s a journey full of surprises and no matter how many parenting books or articles you read, you can’t be totally ready.

    There are times when you might feel tired, frustrated, or worried about doing the right thing. But many parents say that the love they feel for their children makes it all worth it in the end.

    Moreover, once you have kids, they’re yours for good. They’re your responsibility until they’re grown up enough to take care of themselves. So, before you decide to become a parent, there are some things you should think about or consider.

    Recommended Reading:  To The Parents Who Are Struggling: You Are Not Alone.

    Here are the 10 things you should consider before becoming a parent.

    Sleep Deprivation Isn't Just A Cliche

    1. Sleep deprivation isn’t just a cliché

    When people talk about sleep deprivation, especially in parenting, it’s not just a cliché – it’s a very real struggle. As a parent, you quickly realize that uninterrupted sleep becomes a luxury rather than a given. Coping with sleep deprivation became a necessity for maintaining sanity. 

    So, learn to prioritize rest whenever you can, even if it means letting go of some household chores or asking for help from family and friends. 

    Establishing a bedtime routine for both yourself and your child will help signal your bodies that it’s time to wind down.  Additionally, finding moments throughout the day to sneak in a quick nap or some relaxation will help recharge your batteries. In short, be kind to yourself and recognize that it’s okay to not always have it together.

    2. Parenting styles are personal

    Parenting styles can vary widely from one family to another, and they often reflect the values and beliefs of the parents. Some parents might follow a more authoritarian style, where rules are strict and obedience is highly valued. Others may lean towards a permissive style, offering their children a lot of freedom and flexibility. 

    Parenting Styles Are Personal

    Then there’s the authoritative style, which strikes a balance between setting clear rules and boundaries while also being responsive and nurturing. Finally, there’s the uninvolved style, where parents are typically detached and provide little guidance or support. Parents need to understand that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Each family is unique, and what works for one may not work for another.

    Instead of trying to conform to a particular parenting style, it’s more beneficial for parents to reflect on their values and beliefs and find a style that aligns with them. By doing so, they can create a nurturing and supportive environment that fosters the healthy development of their children.

    The Importance Of Self Care

    3. The importance of self-care

    Self-care is crucial for parents, as it enables them to maintain their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, ultimately allowing them to be better caregivers for their children. By prioritizing self-care, parents can prevent burnout and exhaustion, leading to more fulfilling relationships with their children and partners.

    Practical self-care tips for busy parents include:

    1. Finding small pockets of time throughout the day to engage in activities that recharge you, such as reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing mindfulness. 

    2. Additionally, establishing boundaries and learning to say no to unnecessary commitments can help parents avoid overextending themselves.

    3. Building a support network of friends, family, or fellow parents can provide much-needed assistance and encouragement. 

    4. Finally, taking care of one’s physical health through regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep is essential for overall well-being. 

    By making self-care a priority, parents can cultivate resilience and better navigate the challenges of parenting with grace and strength.

    4. Every child is different

    Children, and adults, are individuals with their unique personalities, temperaments, and needs. What works for one child may not necessarily work for another. Understanding and acknowledging these differences is crucial for effective parenting.

    Adapting parenting techniques to suit individual children involves paying attention to their specific strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. 

    Every Child Is Different

    Parents should communicate openly with their children, listen to their concerns, and observe their behaviors to better understand their needs.  Flexibility is key; parents should be willing to adjust their approach as necessary to accommodate each child’s unique characteristics.

    Additionally, parents can tailor their discipline strategies, praise, and encouragement to suit each child’s temperament and primary learning style. Providing consistent love and support while respecting each child’s individuality fosters a sense of trust and security, strengthening the parent-child bond.

    It's Okay To Ask For Help

    5. It’s okay to ask for help

    Parents should feel empowered to seek support from various sources, including family, friends, or professionals when they find themselves overwhelmed or struggling. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but rather a courageous step towards ensuring the well-being of both you and your child.

    Reaching out for assistance can provide parents with valuable guidance, advice, and emotional support during challenging times. 

    It can also help alleviate feelings of isolation and stress, fostering a sense of community and connection. By seeking help when needed, parents can gain new perspectives, learn effective coping strategies, and ultimately become more resilient caregivers.

    6. Flexibility is key

    Flexibility is essential for parents as it allows them to adapt to the ever-changing demands of parenting and navigate unexpected situations effectively. By being flexible, they can adjust their plans, expectations, and responses to meet the needs of their children and address unforeseen challenges.

    One example of the importance of flexibility is when unexpected events disrupt daily routines.

    Flexibility Is Key

     For instance, a sudden illness or change in schedule can throw off planned activities or commitments. Being flexible in such situations enables parents to prioritize their child’s growth, well-being and make necessary adjustments to accommodate the circumstances.

    Flexible parents can navigate the unpredictable nature of family life with resilience and grace.

    Parenting Is A Learning Journey

    7. Parenting Is a Learning Journey

    Parenting is an ongoing learning journey, and no one has all the answers. Every child is unique. It’s essential for parents to approach parenting with a growth mindset, recognizing that they are constantly evolving and learning as they navigate the challenges and joys of raising children.

    Parenting mistakes are inevitable and are a natural part of the learning process. Instead of viewing mistakes as failures, parents should see them as opportunities for growth and improvement. By reflecting on what went wrong and considering alternative approaches, parents can develop a deeper understanding of their children’s needs and behaviors.

    8. The guilt will come and go

    It’s common for parents to experience feelings of guilt as they navigate the challenges and responsibilities of raising children. Whether it’s missing a school event, setting boundaries, or making difficult decisions, parents often question whether they’re doing enough or making the right choices for their children.

    The Guilt Will Come And Go

    Parenting is complex, and no one is perfect. Recognizing that occasional feelings of guilt are a normal part of the journey can help alleviate some of the pressure and self-criticism. To manage parental guilt in a healthy way, parents can practice self-compassion and remind themselves that they’re doing the best they can with the resources and knowledge available to them. It can also be helpful to focus on the positive aspects of parenting and celebrate small victories, rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings.

    Additionally, open communication with children can help address any concerns or conflicts that may contribute to feelings of guilt. By discussing their feelings openly and honestly, parents can strengthen their relationship with their children and gain valuable insights into their perspective.

    Cherish The Moments

    9. Cherish the moments

    Parents should cherish the moments they have with their children, as these moments are precious and fleeting. Amidst the challenges of parenting, it’s important to pause and appreciate the joys and blessings that come with raising children.

    Savoring these moments allows them to create lasting memories and strengthen their bond with their children. Whether it’s a shared laugh, a heartfelt conversation, or a simple hug, these moments are what make parenthood truly meaningful.

    Even during difficult times, finding moments of joy and gratitude can help parents maintain a positive outlook and navigate challenges with resilience and grace. By focusing on the love and connection they share with their children, parents can find renewed energy and motivation to overcome obstacles and embrace the journey of parenthood wholeheartedly.

    10. Ensure your career is secure

    Ensuring that your career is stable and fulfilling is crucial, even in marriage, because life can be unpredictable. In the event that you find yourself as a single parent unexpectedly, having a secure career can provide a vital safety net for both you and your children. Financial stability allows you to meet their needs without undue stress or hardship.

    Investing in your career ensures that you can continue to provide for your children’s needs and aspirations, regardless of life’s unexpected twists and turns. It’s a proactive step towards securing a better future for both you and your children, no matter what challenges may arise.

    Ensure Your Career Is Secured


    So, in conclusion, a lot of people who want to be parents might not know how much work it is. But if you think about the things we talked about before deciding to have kids, you’ll have a better idea of what’s coming and how to get ready for it.

    Thinking about this also helps you figure out if you’re ready to be a parent. When you do decide you’re ready, you’ll know more about what’s coming and be more prepared for it.

    Overall, knowing what to expect and getting ready for it can make being a parent a lot easier. It helps you feel more confident and ready for the ups and downs of raising kids. So, if you’re thinking about having kids, make sure you think it through and get ready for the big adventure ahead!

    Moonpreneur is on a mission to educate and ignite the flames of entrepreneurship through our holistically created online STEM programs, which will help kids master the futuristic sciences such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, Math-Quiz to test your kids knowledge and much more!! 

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    Anshika Kanwar

    Anshika Kanwar

    I am someone who absolutely loves learning new things. Moreover, am always eager to dive into new subjects. Writing is my way of painting with words, It's a way for me to share the things I've learned and experienced and find joy in exploring the world of knowledge.
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