Meet Yusuf Sherrief – Student of the Quarter Q2, 2022
Congratulations Yusuf Sherrief for becoming Moonpreneur’s Student of the Quarter Q2, 2022.
It gives us immense pleasure to announce that we have selected Yusuf Sherrief as Moonpreneur’s Student of the quarter Q2, 2022, for his innovation Home Buddy, a smart door lock system. We selected the 10-year-old prodigy from over 125 nominees.
Once he decides to do something, there is no stopping him. The next thing on his to do list was to raise funds for his product. His keenness to turn Home Buddy into a viable product motivated him to launch it on Moonfunded, a crowdfunding platform, and he has already raised over $319 out of $500. Know more about his project and support Yusuf in turning his idea into reality.
Every bad situation has something positive to offer; innovations during the pandemic are the case in point. Yusuf joins the list. Many factors at play contributed to this success; his ability to empathize, his creative thinking skills, and his determination to provide a solution to the challenges faced by his father while working from home during the pandemic.
His creation, Home Buddy, is an automated door lock system with a pin-code entry system. He built the easy-to-use smart lock using the Raspberry Pi Pico, Solenoid, MOSFET Driver, Buck converter, Barrel Jack, and Keypad. Once you place it outside the door, you can attend meetings and calls with no intrusion or disruptions.
Home Buddy is also useful for teenagers and university students.
Way to go!
Moonpreneur is on a mission to disrupt traditional education and future-proof the next generation with holistic learning solutions. Its Innovator Program is building tomorrow’s workforce by training students in AI/ML, Robotics, Coding, IoT, and Apps, enabling entrepreneurship through experiential learning.