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5 extracurricular activities for ivy league
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    5 Most Impressive Extracurricular Activities For Ivy League (2023)


    5 extracurricular activities for ivy league


    Exceptional skills, accomplishment in a sport, discipline, commitment, teamwork, and leadership are some of the qualities that Ivy League colleges, a group of eight universities in the northeastern region of the United States, seek in students’ curricula. Cracking into these prestigious universities is a Herculean Task because of the extreme competition, with only 2 to 8 percent admission rates.  

    ivy league admissions

    So, if you are aiming for Ivy League colleges, you need strong extracurricular activities and an excellent academic record to stand out above the rest. In this article, we will go over five impressive extracurricular activities that students.

    Critical components of Ivy League Applications

    • Academic performance 
    • Test scores
    • Personal essays
    • Extracurriculars
    • Recommendation letters

    How Important Are Extracurricular Activities for Ivy League Admission?

    Indulging in activities outside of regular school work, like clubs or sports, is really important if you want to get into a fancy school like an Ivy League school. Considering the number of applicants and the low acceptance rate, it is indeed super hard to get into them as a result many students try to make themselves look good on paper. But that doesn’t work! So what works? You can stand out if you’re genuinely involved in your activities, you’re committed, and if are ready to take up leadership roles. So, think about the activities you enjoy doing outside of your classes. For instance, think how you can devote more time to those activities? How can you give your best in every aspect of your life? Ivy League schools are interested in passionate students who challenge themselves, and push the boundaries to get better. You may not be perfect at everything you do, but your actions should show that you’re determined and willing to build up your own unique interests.

    Different types of extracurricular activities

    The extracurricular activities will help you in setting your applications apart. Before delving into the 5 best extracurricular activities, it is crucial to first understand the different types of extracurricular activities.

    1. Uncommon or extraordinary activities that cover nationally ranked student-athlete or individuals who attended a top (merit-based) summer program.

    2. Activities that showcase students’ larger achievements, which include students elected as body presidents, etc.

    3. Smaller achievements include being the editor of the school paper or treasurer of the history club.

    4. General, such as student club memberships, sports teams, etc.

    5. extracurricular activities that can enhance your chance of getting accepted into an Ivy League College

    Leadership Experience: Today’s youths are tomorrow’s leaders. The colleges focus not only on your academic performance but also on your holistic development, with leadership being a key skill to succeed.

    For leadership experience you can choose: 

    • Model United Nations
    • Future Business Leaders of America
    • Key Club
    • Student Government
    • Science/Math Olympiad 
    • Amnesty International
    • Junior Statesmen of America
    • Debate Team, etc., can help you gain leadership skills.

    These activities offer hands-on experiences in team management, event planning, and relationship building. Those who demonstrate leadership skills at the school level are perceived as motivated, passionate, and risk-taking individuals with higher emotional intelligence. From problem-solving to leading from the front, they come across as reliable resources capable of managing various responsibilities.

    Arts:  The arts are often described as a kaleidoscope of human practices, encompassing a vast spectrum of creative expression, storytelling, and cultural participation. From painting on canvas to words on a page, from filling the air with music to dancing, the arts provide endless avenues to explore, interpret, and celebrate the beauty of the human experience.

    There are three different forms of art:

    1. Visual arts: Filmmaking, drawing, painting, photography, sculpting, etc.

    2. Literary arts: Writing stories, drama, poetry, novels, etc.

    3. Performing arts: Dance, music, theatre, etc.

    So, you can either publish a book or collections of poems or join theatre clubs, music bands, school choirs, and so on. Just remember, it shouldn’t be an iffy thing. It should express your passion and dedication for what you are doing then only, it will help you score well. Participation in national-level art, music, and drama competitions and winning awards for your school, club, and so on can prove your seriousness about your hobby.

    Academics: Other than your syllabus, you can participate in debates, spelling, and math competitions, special summer pre-college programs, etc. You must excel at whatever you choose, do not take it for granted.

    Sports:  Sports are another extracurricular activity that can help you stand out in your applications, but you must commit fully to it. You must either lead your team to victory or, if you are playing as an individual, you must win national trophies. You can join a sports club or paid sports league to follow your passion.

    Internships: They can be either paid or unpaid. You can do a part-time job or internship in the field you are interested in. For instance, if you want to study robotics, you can look for an internship. You can also participate in research work. 

    These five options cover a wide range of activities, and you should choose them according to your passion and try taking them to the next level. The wide range of platforms available for students at Yale University gives a better understanding of extracurricular activities. The diverse platforms include 100 athletic teams, 50 performance groups, and 60 cultural associations. Some of Yale’s student-led organizations are arts, athletics, business & entrepreneurship, culinary, politics & government, publications, science & engineering, theater & performance. 

     Extracurricular activities will help you distinguish your applications. It will reflect your exceptional abilities, passion, and commitment. If you are serious about higher studies, you should start preparing early in your life to demonstrate your uncommon or extraordinary abilities. 

    FAQs: Best Extracurricular Activities for Ivy League

    1. What are Ivy League schools looking for in extracurricular activities?

     Ans: Ivy League schools value authenticity, commitment, leadership, and a genuine passion for the activities. They want to see applicants who have made a meaningful impact in their chosen pursuits.

    2. Do I need to participate in a wide range of activities to impress Ivy League admissions?

    Ans: Quality is more important than quantity. It’s better to deeply commit to a few activities you’re genuinely passionate about rather than spreading yourself too thin.

    3. How can I demonstrate leadership in my extracurricular activities?

    Ans: Leadership can be shown through taking initiative, organizing events or projects, mentoring others, or holding positions of responsibility within a club or organization

    4. Can I include personal hobbies or interests as extracurricular activities?

    Ans:Absolutely! Personal hobbies and interests can showcase your unique skills and passions. They demonstrate a well-rounded personality and can make your application stand out.

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    Update: This article was last updated on 5th  October 2023 to reflect the accuracy and up-to-date information on the page.

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    A journalist-turned-content writer, Arpana is a passionate storyteller who combines her journalistic experience with new technology to create engaging, persuasive, and impactful writeups.
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    1 year ago

    Can you provide further insights about academics, if it has proven to be particularly impressive for Ivy League applicants this year?

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Liam

    As far as I know, impressive academic achievements like high SAT/ACT  scores and a strong GPA are crucial for Ivy League applicants. Specialized skills, writing proficiency, awards, and language proficiency are very much valuable.

    1 year ago

    Are there any emerging trends or shifts in the types of extracurricular activities that Ivy League institutions are valuing in 2023 compared to previous years?

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Hannah

    Ivy League institutions value diverse, deeply involved extracurricular activities, leadership, and a genuine passion for chosen pursuits. They also appreciate community service, entrepreneurship, and initiatives with a positive societal impact.

    2 months ago

     What about unusual activities?

    2 months ago
    Reply to  peter.s

    Unique talents or hobbies pursued at a high level can be impressive! Being a champion yo-yoer, a published poet, or a world-class gamer shows dedication and sets you apart.



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