6 Best Family Board Games for 2021
Games! What comes to your mind when you hear this word?
Nowadays, we often associate technological inventions such as mobile, PC, or cloud with games? PC, console, mobile, cloud, and Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) gaming is the outcome of the fourth revolution known as the Technological Revolution.
However, we are discussing family games here, and these technological wonders are not exactly family games. It is the board games that are associated with family games. From Monopoly to Scrabble, for decades, families have been spending time with these board games that have evolved with time. Board games now come with various themes such as role-playing games, simulation games, strategy games, etc.
There are plenty of family board games in the market, of them many are bestsellers. However, we aimed to filter out the educational and entertaining game for you and make the task of choosing easier. Too many options create confusion hence, we have created this mixed bag for you, which has both old and new games.
Here are 6 best family board games you should play in 2021.
1. 2020 Risky Deals
The Stock Market Game
A new entrant in the board game arena, 2020 Risky Deals is whetting the appetite of those who enjoy the thrills of the stock market and risk investments. Its unique features have become its selling points, and it is carving a niche for itself.
During the game, the players meet situations and hear terms tackled in real stock markets such as investing in stocks, trading stocks, buying and selling companies. It is not just a wonderful way of spending quality time with family or friends, but a simple way to acquaint with the nuances of stock markets.
Players: 2 to 6
Age: 16 years and up
Amazon Rating: 5 stars out of 5
2. Partners
There are various board games from various genres. It is all about exploring the space and rustling up the exciting ones. But the trending board games often stop us from delving deeper and digging out stimulating genres.
We have discovered Partners for you, which is the first American Edition of Denmark’s number one best-selling board game. In this game, we divide 4 players into 2 teams, and their goal is to safeguard their teammates while sabotaging their opponents.
Players: 4
Age: 8 years and up
Amazon Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars
3. Moonpreneur
Saved this new entrant for the last because this one is unique in its concept. It doesn’t belong to any single genre. This multi-dimensional entrepreneurial board game demands players to be creative, problem-solver, and a multi-tasker.
The game helps players in learning everything about entrepreneurship, must-have skills to enjoy both the present and the future. It also teaches them how to start and run a business, math and accounting, manufacturing & trading, and last but not least it improves players’ emotional intelligence. The outcome of the game is rewarding.
Players: 2 to 6
Age: 10 years and up
Gadget Flow Rating: 9.2 out of 10
4. Catan
Trade Build Settle
Are you intrigued by human civilization and its growth? Catan, the strategy and adventure board game, will give you the actual feel of the era. If you want a tryst with history, you can order this award-winning civilization-building board game that focuses on harvesting and trading resources.
Its unique features open new avenues for players. During the game, players can control their civilization while facing challenges such as protecting their civilization from robbers who are ready to plunder and loot their wealth. It is one of the best games to be played with family and friends this holiday season.
The board game has an interesting history. The first version of the game titled Die Siedler von Catan came out in 1995 in Germany. A year later, it was published in English as “The Settlers of Catan”. In 2020, Catan celebrated its 25th anniversary. So far it has sold millions of copies in over 30 languages.
Players: 3 to 4 players (To play with 5–6 players, the 5–6 player extension is required)
Age: 10+
Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5
5. Pandemic
The term pandemic, thanks to the outbreak of COVID-19, dominated the year 2020. It tossed the world upside down. It would surprise you that, although this game revolves around the strategies to fight off pandemics, it is not a new entrant – it was the bestselling cooperative board game of 2008.
In this strategy game, four diseases threaten the world and the players have to focus on finding and collecting resources to treat the people suffering from the infections. Interestingly, the game ignites team spirit as the situation demands that the players should stick together and focus on saving the world.
Players: 2 to 4
Age: 8+
Amazon Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars
6. Monopoly Game: Ultimate Banking
This electronic banking edition is ideal for the number crunchers or those with the mathematical brain. Described as a game to challenge family and friends, the banking edition is different.
First, it does not have Monopoly money.
Second, it is laced with touch technology.
According to the rules of the game, each player will start with money on a bank card and during the game, the players have to tap the Ultimate Banking unit. With a tap, the card would calculate the player’s worth, and it will also tell players if they have enough funds to pay a debt or buy a property.
The benefit of tap technology is that it makes the game faster. Monopoly Game: Ultimate Banking has garnered rave reviews on the e-commerce site of Amazon.
Players: 2 to 4
Age: 8+
Amazon Rating: 4.6 Stars out of 5
We have bid adieu to 2020, a year of upheaval and uncertainties. We are ushering in 2021 with hope and happiness. When social distancing is the new normal, one of the best ways to enjoy New Year is by spending quality time with family playing board games. Pick any family board game to unleash fun unlimited.
Moonpreneur is on a mission to disrupt traditional education and future-proof the next generation with holistic learning solutions. Its Innovator Program is building tomorrow’s workforce by training students in AI/ML, Robotics, Coding, IoT, and Apps, enabling entrepreneurship through experiential learning.
Can you tell the importance of playing board games with family?
Playing board games helps to bring out togetherness in the family and it also increases brain function and creative thinking abilities.