Update: This article was last updated on 8th August 2024 to reflect the accuracy and up-to-date information on the page.

What is Anime?
Anime is an incredibly popular medium of entertainment that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. It has given us some of the most memorable characters, unforgettable moments, and thought-provoking ideas that continue to inspire us even long after we’ve watched them.
Is Anime for Kids?
Anime caters to a broad spectrum of audiences, encompassing various age groups and tastes. There are anime series and films specifically designed for children, often featuring colorful visuals, simple storylines, and positive themes. Examples include titles like “Doraemon” and “Sailor Moon.” However, anime is not limited to children’s entertainment. A significant portion of anime is created for teenagers and adults, exploring complex narratives, mature themes, and diverse genres such as action, drama, romance, and horror. Series like “Attack on Titan,” “Death Note,” and “Fullmetal Alchemist” are popular among older viewers. Therefore, the appeal of anime spans different demographics, and viewers can find content suitable for various age ranges.
And while there are many reasons why people love anime, one of the most compelling aspects of this genre is the incredible quotes that come with it. From epic battle speeches to touching emotional moments, anime quotes have the power to inspire, motivate, and resonate with us in a profound way.
In this blog post, we’ve compiled the best anime quotes that will leave a lasting impression on you. So, whether you’re a die-hard anime fan or just looking for some inspiring words, these quotes are sure to leave you feeling inspired and uplifted.
Recommended Reading: 50 inspirational quotes from Marvel Movies
The Best Anime to Watch Out for:
Anime Name | Rating | Release Date | Genre |
Dragon Ball Z | 8.7 | 1989 | Action, Adventure, Martial Arts, Shounen |
Naruto | 8.3 | 2002 | Action, Adventure, Martial Arts, Shounen |
Sailor Moon | 7.8 | 1992 | Magical Girl, Romance, Fantasy |
One Piece | 8.7 | 1999 | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Shounen |
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood | 9.1 | 2009 | Action, Adventure, Steampunk, Fantasy |
Attack on Titan | 9.0 | 2013 | Action, Dark Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic |
Cowboy Bebop | 8.9 | 1998 | Action, Space Western, Neo-noir |
Death Note | 9.0 | 2006 | Psychological Thriller, Supernatural, Mystery |
Bleach | 7.8 | 2004 | Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Shounen |
Pokemon | 7.5 | 1997 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Kids |
Evangelion | 8.4 | 1995 | Mecha, Psychological, Science Fiction |
Ghost in the Shell | 8.0 | 1995 | Action, Sci-Fi, Psychological |
Akira | 8.2 | 1988 | Action, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk |
Princess Mononoke | 8.4 | 1997 | Fantasy, Adventure, Historical |
Spirited Away | 8.8 | 2001 | Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Supernatural |
My Neighbor Totoro | 8.2 | 1988 | Fantasy, Slice of Life, Kids |
Gundam | 7.6 | 1979 | Mecha, Military, Sci-Fi |
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure | 8.4 | 2012 | Action, Adventure, Supernatural |
Hunter x Hunter | 8.9 | 2011 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Shounen |
Neon Genesis Evangelion | 8.4 | 1995 | Mecha, Psychological, Science Fiction |
Recommended Reading: Back to School Quotes for Kids
Through the curated list of the top 20 all-time famous anime series and the collection of inspiring anime quotes, readers are given a glimpse into the captivating world of anime and its enduring popularity.
“Did we miss any of your favorite anime quotes or series? Share them with us in the comments below!”
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What are the benefits of Anime in stem education?
Sparks Creativity and Problem-solving: Anime often features fantastical scenarios that challenge characters to think outside the box and invent solutions.Makes Coding Concepts Engaging: Anime with hacking themes or characters with technical skills can introduce basic coding principles in a fun way.Showcases Robotics and Technology: Mecha anime and series featuring advanced technology can ignite a passion for robotics and engineering.