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Artificial Intelligence for Kids
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    AI for Kids: What You Need to Know


    Artificial Intelligence for Kids

    Update: This article was last updated on 12th January 2024 to reflect the accuracy and up-to-date information on the page.


    Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of the most commonly used terms today, is both fascinating and terrifying. On the one hand, it is empowering the future while also having a tremendous impact on our daily lives. On the other hand, it endangers the human race by taking away their jobs.

    When it comes to learning AI, it presents a surplus of opportunities for young innovators to design, develop, and build products for the future. Many parents are keen on teaching their children about AI but don’t know where to begin. Luckily, Moonpreneur is here to help your child understand, learn, and apply AI in various fields. 

    What Exactly is AI?

    AI involves machines, especially computers, imitating human intelligence processes.

    AI is already making our lives easier and more interesting with robot vacuums, smart assistants like Siri and Alexa, and recommendation systems on platforms like Netflix and YouTube. 

    AI is not just about serious stuff; it’s also a lot of fun! Kids can learn about AI by playing video games that use AI to create realistic and challenging gameplay, and they can even explore the world of self-driving cars, which rely on AI to navigate safely and efficiently.

    AI is a vast field and it is used across diverse fields to improve products and services and enhance user experience. Something as basic as a video streaming app uses AI to collect data about the shows you have been watching and suggests similar content that suits your taste. From smartphones to self-driven cars, artificial intelligence makes it all possible. 

    Importance of learning AI for kids

    AI is everywhere, and it’s changing the way we live and work. Kids need to understand AI to be successful in the future. AI is already being used in many jobs, like doctors using AI to diagnose patients and astronauts using AI to find new planets. 

    Even if kids don’t know what they want to be when they grow up, learning about AI will help them prepare for the future. At Inspirit AI, kids can learn about AI from artists, scientists, and fashion designers. Learning about AI can also help kids think about how to use technology to solve problems in the world.

    AI’s impact on the Employment Sector

    • 97 million – number of global jobs created by AI in 2025. (World Economic Forum, 2020)
    • 85 million – number of global jobs displaced by AI in 2025. (World Economic Forum, 2020)
    • 50% of global employees will need reskilling by 2030. (World Economic Forum, 2020)
    • 16% of US jobs may be replaced by technologies like machine learning, AI, robots, and automation by 2025. (Forrester, 2019)
    • Robots can take over up to 20 million factory jobs in 2030. (BBC News, 2019)
    • 36 million Americans whose jobs have high exposure to automation can have 70% of their tasks done by robots by 2030. (International Banker, 2020)


    Source: Research Gate


    Source: FinancesOnline

    The Impact of AI on the Education Sector

    With the upsurge in technology, things have changed and the education sector which otherwise remained unaffected is finally catching up.

    Let’s take a look at some changes the traditional educational system has gone through:

    Transformation of Classroom Spaces

    1. Transformation of Classroom Spaces

    No longer is it about simply a teacher delivering lessons in a classroom and the students trying to grasp the meanings. In today’s day and age, various websites, mobile apps, web apps, etc. have transformed the learning concept. Virtual classrooms have become prevalent and they’re only going to increase in importance regarding the future. Virtual classrooms are adaptive, time-based, and possess a wider reach.

    Curriculum Designing

    2. Curriculum Designing

    AI excels in personalization. AI offers personalization with its ability to perceive the behavioral patterns, desires, and preferences of individuals.
    Students can take up personalized courses and track their performance with a simple click. It also helps institutions design personalized courses that eventually serve every student and ensure better education for all.

    Better Grading

    3. Better Grading

    The grading system has always been under scrutiny. Grades shape an individual’s future and impact their entire life. Therefore, the accuracy of grades is essential. However, the grading system has always been prone to human error 
    AI helps to eliminate this problem as it can conduct examinations and help assess the performance of individuals in an efficient manner. AI can also help educational institutions to assess the delivery of education and how well the students a particular format.


    4. Automation

    Automation is on the rise in the education sector. It helps in the delivery of lessons and the assessment of individuals. AI allows students to set their own pace of learning and participation. It helps in reducing human errors and brings more convenience and speed to the process of education.

    Easy Implementation of Administrative Tasks

    5. Easy Implementation of Administrative Tasks

    The mundane and tedious administrative tasks can now be taken care of with the help of AI. The dull data handling that is prone to human errors, the tasks that cause boredom and lethargy, and the never-ending paperwork, can be done at one’s convenience and at a faster pace.
    This helps in saving time which can be utilized in other important spaces to make the learning even better.

    Why Should Your Child Learn AI?

    AI is already taking over the world, and the future holds endless possibilities. Therefore, the next generation needs to equip themselves with as much information as possible about this technology. Your child is already exposed to artificial intelligence in their everyday life, and gaining an early education in this field can only benefit them further in their growth. 

    With an online program such as Moonpreneur’s Innovator Program, your child can use their knowledge of AI to build products for the future. Here are some more reasons to ponder on why your child needs to learn AI.

    1. Helps Learn Coding

    Coding seems to be the much-needed skill of the hour. Children as young as 10 years old are learning to code today. Artificial intelligence gives your child exposure to coding, wherein they can develop enhanced skills such as logical reasoning, mathematical analysis, problem-solving, and others. 

    Not only that but artificial intelligence also gives students an opportunity to explore its uses in real-world scenarios. For example, Moonpreneur guides your child to use AI to build products that can solve real-world problems. Thus, AI can make coding more intriguing and engaging for children, giving them new directions to find solutions. 

    2. Good For Career Growth

    Although researchers believe that AI will soon be replacing several jobs, it will also create millions of career opportunities for the next generation. Starting early on this bandwagon will therefore prove advantageous for children. Your child can understand the extent of AI applications and will be able to proceed in a futuristic direction. 


    Besides, it will get them hooked on to the know-hows of their favorite apps and games, making them learn more.

    If your child is well-versed in AI and machine learning, it is likely to provide them with job security in the future and probably a higher-paying job too. According to a report, AI can create more than 58 million jobs in the upcoming years and increase the world economy to more than $15trillion by 2030. 

    Hence, one of the crucial reasons for your child to study AI is its direct impact on their career. 

    3. Makes Them Understand Data Flow

    Everything around us is driven by data, especially the digital world. AI can help your child understand how to collect, analyze, and use data for various purposes. Industries compile vast amounts of data every day, and exposing your child to these sets can help them develop futuristic skills. 

    Learning about AI can help your child understand the ever-changing world of technology and its positive outcomes. It can guide them to analyze data and generate business prospects and can even lead them to become data scientists.

    4. Develops Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

    Artificial intelligence provides solutions to various problems by interpreting data and finding answers. Thus, learning about AI can help your child develop problem-solving abilities

    Instead of running away from an issue at hand, your child will learn to understand the core of the situation, apply logic, and find a suitable solution. Thus, it also helps them develop critical thinking skills.


    Learning about AI can broaden your child’s thinking capacity and gives a boost to their creativity. They will not be bound by present limitations to explore scenarios and find innovative solutions. AI will guide them to grow as individuals. 

    5. They Can Positively Impact the Society

    AI can significantly and positively improve the society we live in. With an education in AI and machine learning, your child can develop solutions across industries such as medicine, home automation, transportation, media, and much more. 

    Today, AI is making it possible for world leaders to run their countries smoothly. For instance, with AI technology, nations can determine and be prepared for natural calamities. As technology progresses, your child too can grow, and therefore, they should invest their time in learning about AI.

    How Does Moonpreneur Help Your Child?

    Moonpreneur is invested in building young entrepreneurs of tomorrow using future technology. Educating these young minds in artificial intelligence and machine learning is an important aspect of the Innovator Program. Your child gets exposed to fields related to these technologies such as robotics, sensors, home automation, game development, app development, coding, and more. 

    Using AI, your child will be able to explore their interests and further their development in that field. They become aware of the fundamentals and applications of AI technology and its future. Thus, guiding them in developing skills such as logical reasoning, cognitive thinking, problem-solving, enhanced creativity, and more. 

    Moreover, the Innovator Program teaches your child to design and build their own products using AI and machine learning.  

    Moonpreneur nurtures your child and gives them a nudge in the right direction. Your child grows with mentorship from experts in AI, helping them academically and professionally. With an understanding of AI with Moonpreneur, your child can have the upper hand while facing problems that need creative solutions.  

    Final Words

    Artificial intelligence is already here, but it is transforming. The future holds endless possibilities for this technology, giving progressive opportunities to diverse industries. Educating your child in AI technology may seem cumbersome, but it is essential for their future. 

    The next generation can create wonders with the information and knowledge they will possess about this developing technology. So, teach your child about AI with Moonpreneur and allow them to explore their potential and create the world they want to live in.

    Moonpreneur is on a mission to disrupt traditional education and future-proof the next generation with holistic learning solutions. Its Innovator Program is building tomorrow’s workforce by training students in AI/ML, Robotics, Coding, IoT, and Apps, enabling entrepreneurship through experiential learning.

    Soumi Pandey

    Soumi Pandey

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    10 months ago

    What should I learn to know AI?

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Jaspreet

    You should learn first-hand Math and Statistics: Study basic math like calculus, algebra, and statistics. Also, understand probability. These are important for AI.
    Programming: Pick a language like Python or R to start learning. You’ll also get to know about libraries and packages that are useful for AI.

    10 months ago

    Can I learn AI without coding?

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Theodore

    If you’ve been wondering whether you can learn AI without coding, the answer is yes!

    10 months ago

    Can I self learn AI?

    10 months ago
    Reply to  Barrett

    Learning AI involves complex math like linear functions, algebra, probability, statistics, and logic. It might be easier with a structured course, but if you have a solid learning plan and stay committed, you can definitely teach yourself.



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