The kit allows young enthusiasts to build their very own wireless control robot capable of measuring temperature, humidity, and detecting the presence of gases.
Key Features
Compatible with Robotics Car Kit
Uncover the idea of data collection
Hands-on with wireless communication
Exploration and monitoring of surroundings in real-time
Imparts knowledge of dealing with real world problems
Gives a gist of developing commercial scale products
The Kit Contains
DHT22 – A digital temperature and humidity sensor.
RF Remote Control – Transmits and receive serial data wirelessly.
MQ135 Gas Senor – An air quality gas sensor highly sensitive to gases like ammonia, alcohol, benzene, etc.
MQ7 Gas Sensor – Another gas sensor sensitive in particular to carbon monoxide gas.
Red and Green LEDs
Push buttons
Connecting Wires
400pt Breadboard
Double sided tape
Get hands on experience and learn the art of Design Thinking.