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Prototyping Kit – Smart Greenhouse

The kit allows young enthusiasts to build their very own wireless control robot capable of measuring temperature, humidity, and detecting the presence of gases.


Key Features

  • Compatible with Robotics Car Kit
  • Uncover the idea of data collection
  • Hands-on with wireless communication
  • Exploration and monitoring of surroundings in real-time
  • Imparts knowledge of dealing with real world problems
  • Gives a gist of developing commercial scale products

The Kit Contains

  • DHT22 – A digital temperature and humidity sensor.

  • RF Remote Control – Transmits and receive serial data wirelessly.

  • MQ135 Gas Senor – An air quality gas sensor highly sensitive to gases like ammonia, alcohol, benzene, etc.

  • MQ7 Gas Sensor – Another gas sensor sensitive in particular to carbon  monoxide gas.

  • Red and Green LEDs
  • Push buttons
  • Resistors
  • Connecting Wires
  • 400pt Breadboard
  • Double sided tape

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