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Explore the world of programming, circuit design, logic building and algorithm design by doing the microbit compatible MoonGarden project.

Key Features

  • Hands-on experience
  • Learn coding
  • Learn electronics
  • Enhance cognitive development

Project- Smart Soil Moisture Sensing

The project requires following item.

  • BBC Microbit and its cable
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • LED pole
  • Connecting wires
  • Seedling pots with soil to test

Let’s Start

Step1: Connecting Soil Moisture Sensor

  • Use a wire and connect one end to any pin of GND header in Microbit breakout board. Connect the other end with GND pin of soil moisture sensor.
  • Repeat the step for 2 more connections.
Microbit Breakout Board Soil Moisture Sensor
3.3v VCC

Step2: Connecting LED pole

  • Use a wire and connect one end to any pin of GND header in Microbit breakout board. Connect the other end with GND pin of LED pole.
  • Repeat the step for 3 more connections.
Microbit Breakout Board LED Pole
P13 R
P14 Y
P15 G

Step3: Programming 

The code monitors the presence of moisture in soil and turns on the appropriate LED to indicate the level. It also utilizes the LED matrix display of microbit to show different facial expressions according to the moisture level.

Blocks in MakeCode 

NOTE: The values (900, 950) used for comparison in code depends on for which level of soil moisture an alert is required. These should be changed accordingly.