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20 get to know you games
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    Top 20 Get to Know You Games for Kids


    20 get to know you games


    Get to know you games are icebreaker activities designed to help people learn more about each other in a fun and interactive way. These games are often used in group settings such as classrooms, team-building sessions, and social events.

    Playing these games can help you in several ways. Here are a few reasons why:

    • In a new or unfamiliar group setting, people may feel shy or uncomfortable interacting with others. Get-to-know-you games can help break the ice and create a more relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
    • Get-to-know-you games can help facilitate communication between people who may not have spoken to each other. By sharing personal information or working together on a task, people can build connections and find common ground.
    • Get to know you games help build strong relationships: When people feel comfortable with each other and have a positive rapport, they are more likely to build stronger and more meaningful relationships.

    Some popular examples of getting-to-know-you games include:

    1. Two Truths and a Lie

    Each person takes turns sharing three statements about themselves, two of which are true and one false. The group then tries to guess which statement is the lie.

    2. Name Game

    In this game, every kid introduces themselves and shares something interesting or unique about themselves that starts with the same letter as their name.

    3. The Human Knot

    The group stands in a circle, and everyone reaches out to grab hands with two different people across from them. The group of kids then tries to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands.

    4. Never Have I Ever

    Each kid takes turns sharing something they have never done before, and anyone in the group who has done that thing must take a step forward or sip a drink.

    5. Speed Dating

    Each kid spends a few minutes talking one-on-one with someone else in the group and then rotates to the next kid. This allows everyone to have a chance to talk with each other and learn more about each other’s interests and experiences.

    6. Desert Island

    Ask each kid to imagine they are stranded on a desert island and can only bring three items. They must explain their choices to the group.

    7. Bucket List

    Each person shares one item on their bucket list (i.e., something they or want to do before they die) and explains why it is essential to them.

    8. This or That

    Divide the kids in half and ask each group to stand on opposite sides of the room. Then, ask a series of “this or that” questions (e.g. coffee or tea, beach or mountains, mom or dad, summer or winter, dogs or cats) and have each person stand on the side that corresponds with their answer. This can help people find common interests and start conversations with each other.

    9. My Superpower 

    Each kid shares what they think their superpower would be if they could have one and why.

    1o. Word Association

    One kid starts by saying a word, and then the kid next to them says the first word that comes to their mind. This continues around the circle, with each kid saying the first word that comes to their mind based on the previous word. This can help children learn more about each other’s thought processes and associations.

    11. Guess Who?

    Each kid writes down three facts about themselves (e.g., “I have a pet dog,” “I love to sing,” and “I am afraid of spiders”). The facts are read out loud, and the others must guess who wrote each one.

    12. Balloon Pop

    Write a question on a small slip of paper, insert it into a balloon, blow it up, and tie it off. Each kid must pop a balloon and answer the question inside, allowing others to learn about themselves.

    13. What’s in the Bag?

    Fill a bag with random objects and have each kid reach in and guess the object without looking at it.

    14. Truth Questions

    This game is half of Truth and Dare, where kids take turns asking only the “truth” questions (e.g., “What’s your favorite food?” or asking them to “Sing a song in front of everyone”).

    Charades: One person acts out a word or phrase without speaking, and the others must guess what it is.

    15. Pictionary

    In this game, one kid draws a picture of a word or phrase, and the others must guess what it is. Everyone gets to know more about drawing and interpretation skills of each other.

    16. Telephone

    One kid whispers a message to the next person, and it gets passed along until it reaches the end. The last kid says the message aloud to see how much it has changed. This game tells us more about the listening and understanding skills of each other.

    17. Hot Potato 

    Pass around a ball or stuffed animal while music plays. When the music stops, whoever is holding the object has to answer a question about themselves.

    18. Memory Game 

    Everyone says their name and something they like (e.g., “My name is Kat, and I like cats”). The next person has to repeat the previous person’s name and like, and add their own.

    19. I Spy 

    One kid says, “I spy with my little eye something that is [color/shape/texture],” and the others have to guess what it is.

    20. Categories

    In this game, kids must choose a category (e.g., animals, movies, foods) and take turns naming items in that category until someone can’t think of one.

    In conclusion, there is plenty of fun and interactive “get to know you” games for kids to play. These games can help break the ice and create a comfortable and inclusive environment for everyone involved. By playing games like Two Truths and a Lie, Name Game, and Charades, kids can learn more about each other and build stronger relationships. Whether it’s a classroom setting or a party with friends, these games are sure to keep kids engaged and entertained while also fostering a sense of community. 

    So next time you’re looking for ways to help kids connect and get to know each other, try out one of these games and watch the magic happen!

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    Moonpreneur is an ed-tech company that imparts tech entrepreneurship to children aged 7 to 16. Its flagship offering, the Innovator Program, offers students a holistic learning experience that blends Technical Skills, Power Skills, and Entrepreneurial Skills with streams such as Robotics, Game Development, App Development, Advanced Math, and Book Writing & Publishing.
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    4 months ago

    I want to add one more game to your list: Two Truths and a Lie.
    In this game each child shares three statements – two true and one false. The others guess the lie. (Classic icebreaker that encourages listening and reveals interesting facts.)



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