Math can sometimes feel like a giant puzzle. Think of decimals like 0.2 and fractions as different pieces of the same puzzle. Today, we will learn how to turn the decimal 0.2 into a fraction. Stick with me, and we’ll make this super easy to understand!
Step-By-Step Guide to Convert 0.2 as a Fraction.
Step 1: Write down the decimal & divide by 1.
Step 2: Multiply the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number) by a power of 10, making the numerator a whole number.
In the case of 0.2, we multiply by 10 because the decimal extends to the tenth place.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction if necessary.
In this case, 2/10 is already the simplest, so no further simplification is needed.
Therefore, 0.2 as a fraction is 2/10.
Recommended Reading: What is 1/5 as a percentage- Quick and Easy Steps
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